Bang ajib mo curhat neh. Pas posting ini ditulis bang ajib lagi di pujasera kampus. Sore-sore pulang kuliah, sendirian hanya berteman secangkir kopi susu, Hikz. Disaat kesepian bang ajib semakin memuncak ternyata tanpa bang ajib sadari ada cewek manis duduk persis didepan bang ajib. Mukanya nyenengin banget. Uda gitu anaknya juga lagi hotspotan. Cocok banget kan?hehehehe. Dia pake baju item, rambut sebahu, manis deh pokoknya. Bener-bener tipe bang ajib banget!!. Bayangin kalo bang ajib ma dia bisa hotspotan bareng di pujasera sambil makan bakso, ketawa-ketiwi enggak jelas...Bener-bener romantis abis Daripada cuma hotspotan sendirian ditemani kopi susu doang,,,iya kan!!???...
Nah pas uda mo kenalan eh cowoknya nyamperin. ASEM!!!! Ternyata uda punya piaraan...
Akhirnya sendirian lagi deh. Memang kopi susu teman disaat kesepian....
wealahh bang bang... tibak e wes enek "asu"ne toh
ha..ha..ternyata ada bodiguardnya....
hahhaha :D
apes ny bang ajib,,,,
dah co2k ny sm kopi susu bang,,,
sending smile for acc member, 1 smile today, pls smile back again
wahh, kalo aneh dipisah ajah, kopi sendiri, susu sendiri,
lebih maknyusss hehehe
How To Add The Blogger “Read More” Expandable Posts Link
With this hack, you can choose to display a select amount of text from the beginning of each post as a teaser instead of showing the entire post on the front page of your blog. Then when people want to read the rest of the post, they can click a “read more” link to see the full post. This is very handy if you have lots of long articles all on one page. (Note that you’ll need to have post pages enabled in order to make this feature work.)
yaaahhh...begitulah nasib bang ajib...
Untuk masalah cinta susah banget dapetnya...hikz:(
Padahal bang ajib tampan, cute, cerdas, keren, kurang apalagi coba...wkwkwkwkwk